Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo suru Wiki

Takeru Koga ( () () (たけ) () , Koga Takeru?) is a member of class 1-5 who is a friend and classmate of Marin Kitagawa and later Wakana Gojo.


Takeru has messy black hair and two piercings in his left ear. He also wears a bracelet on his left wrist.


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Takeru is first introduced in chapter 53 during the Rei-sama school festival arc as a friend of Kensei Morita and Shiki Kashiwagi.


Kensei Morita[]

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Shiki Kashiwagi[]

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  • The name Takeru means "mountain, peak" (岳) (take) and "precious stone, gem, lapis lazuli" (琉) (ru).
  • Takeru's surname Koga means "old, antiquity, ancient time, used, secondhand" (古) (ko) and "congratulations, joy" (賀) (ga).


  1. First year of high-school, so unless he skipped a year or redid a year, he would be 15 when starting and turning 16 before next school year


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List of Characters
Main Marin KitagawaWakana Gojo
Classmates & Others Nowa SugayaDaiaRuneKensei MoritaMurakamiShiki KashiwagiTakeru KogaSeiraKarenHanaoka (Teacher)Student Council President
Cosplay Sajuna InuiShinju InuiChitose AmanoAkira OgataMiyakoSuzukaYosuke
AIRS Salon ManabuHikaruRiho
Others NobaraUsamiRanaMarin's Editor
Family & Relatives
Gojo Family Wakana GojoKaoru GojoMiori GojoHarumi
Kitagawa Family Marin KitagawaMasumi Kitagawa
Inui Family Sajuna InuiShinju InuiMrs. Inui
Amano Family Chitose AmanoChitose's SisterChitose's Mother
Manga/Anime Industry
Professionals Tokio ShibaShougo MizoueAbe
CategoryFictional CharactersMinor Characters