Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo suru Wiki
I'm not cosplaying for their benefit. I do it for me.


Sajuna Inui ( (いぬい) () 寿 (じゅ) () , Inui Sajuna?) is a supporting character in the series that first appears in Volume 2. After seeing Wakana's first cosplay outfit online, she tracks him down to hire him to create her next cosplay outfit. She is a famous online cosplayer who goes by the name of "Juju."


Sajuna is regarded as a petite young girl for her age, which tends to leave those to mistaking her for a middle school student. But in contrast to this, she is a second-year student attending an all-girls high school.

She is shown to have pale pink hair that falls down to her upper back and is sectioned with two pigtails, save for the rest to hang loose, and sharp hazel-colored eyes. For her school uniform, she wears a sailor-style top with a red collar, a dark grey vest, a red pleated skirt, black thigh high socks, and brown loafers.

When cosplaying, Sajuna opts to do cute characters when dressing up, whether it's a magical girl theme or even a schoolgirl kind of theme.


Sajuna is rather headstrong and blunt, despite her child-like appearance. She has no problem with chiding others or speaking harshly when it comes to it and can be quick to lose her temper as well. Perhaps as a given, she dislikes being seen or referred to as a child, as seen when she first met Wakana Gojo. She is shown to take cosplaying seriously and loves dressing up as characters she adores. Despite her popularity online, Sajuna isn't interested in fame and admits that she only cosplays for herself and by herself. Her passion for cosplaying stems from her own dream of wanting to become a "magical girl", a dream that she's had since she was very young, which stemmed from pure admiration when she first saw Shion Nikaido from the Flower Princess Blaze!! series.

Sajuna is willing to go to great lengths if it means getting what she's after, upon learning that Wakana was the one who tailored Marin Kitagawa's Shizuku Kuroe outfit, she followed him home to see where he lives. When Wakana clarified that he doesn't usually make cosplay outfits, Sajuna chose to blackmail him for when he walked in on her in the bathroom while she was naked, threatening to report him to the police as a pervert unless he makes an outfit for her, despite it being a genuine accident that he apologized for. Sajuna isn't always like this however, as she was rather embarrassed to admit that she had stalked Wakana home and sheepishly apologized for it. Much later, she said that he didn't have to make the Black Lily outfit for her if he didn't want to. She also paid Wakana for his work on the outfits after the cosplay session had concluded, despite him saying she didn't have to, saying that creators like him deserve being paid for their work, further showing her gratitude.

It is later revealed that Sajuna was jealous over Marin's cosplay as Shizuku Kuroe, which is what led her to request an outfit from Wakana. She's aware of how petty being jealous over something is, but justifies that people only feel jealous over things that matter to them. Sajuna even goes as far as to say that seeing the outfit that Wakana had made was "love at first sight". This is why she wanted Wakana himself to make her custom Black Lily outfit, despite there being many professionals who are better than him.

While blunt, Sajuna is perfectly capable of being genuinely polite and friendly, coming to get along with Wakana and Marin, and clearly caring for her younger sister, Shinju. She is shown to have a fear of thunder and scary places but does her best to try and hide it. Furthermore, as a student attending an all-girls school, she is shown to be completely inexperienced with the opposite sex, to the point where after Wakana had grabbed her hand, she fainted from pure shock, with it being the very first time a boy of her age group had held her hand.

Sajuna is shown to have reluctance in expressing how she really feels about certain things, likening her to a tsundere.


Sajuna is a cosplayer who mainly dresses up as Magical Girls or Primary School students from anime, due to her youthful appearance. She does not attend cosplay events, revealing that she cosplays for simple enjoyment rather than fame. Her younger sister Shinju, who is also her photographer, was the one who created Sajuna's online account (dubbing Sajuna by the cosplay name "Juju") so she could share Sajuna's cosplaying with others. She soon became extremely popular and amounted many online followers. Shinju did not know how to respond to all the comments her sister was getting, so she just chose to ignore them.

"She's super beautiful and her cosplay and photo quality is nothing to scoff at, so she's drowning in follows." - Marin Kitagawa, to Sajuna.


Sajuna is first mentioned as a cosplayer that Kitagawa adores. She's properly introduced hiding from the rain in front of Gojo Dolls.


Shinju Inui[]

Her younger sister, who appears to look older than her despite being a middle school student. While Sajuna doesn't admit it out loud, it's clear that she loves and cares for her sister.

Wakana Gojo[]

Sajuna saw Wakana's first cosplay outfit online after Marin posted pictures and followed him at a cosplay event until figuring out his name and where he lived. She hired him to make her a costume, saying that it was love at first sight when she saw his previous outfit for Marin. Sajuna is the second person Wakana creates a cosplay outfit for. She fainted when he grabbed her hand while scouting a photo shoot location, given that it was her first time holding hands with someone of the opposite sex. She was extremely happy with how Wakana supported her sister in her first cosplay and thought he was "wonderful" with how he approached her most 'precious things'.

Marin Kitagawa[]

After seeing Marin's tweet that she would be attending a cosplay event as Shizuku Kuroe from Slippery Girls, Sajuna decided to go so she could see her outfit up close, only to be amazed and become jealous of her. At first, Sajuna did not think highly of Marin, seeing her only as a dummy who knew nothing about cosplaying and only liked it because of the outfits. After meeting her face to face however, Sajuna realizes that Marin is the real deal and that she's the type of cosplayer she loves the most: one who takes the characters seriously and to heart. Upon realizing this, Sajuna tearfully apologized to Marin for how she misjudged her, although she didn't get why she was apologizing. Afterwards, Sajuna still finds some of Marin's behavior annoying but still enjoyed cosplaying with her, nonetheless.


  • The name Sajuna means "thread, silk" (紗) (sa), "longevity, congratulations, one's natural life" (寿) (ju) and "leaf/leaves" (叶) (na).
  • Sajuna's surname Inui means "northwest" (乾).


  • Sajuna was the first woman Wakana Gojo saw the body of.
  • She was originally going to have her measurements taken (presumably by Wakana) in a school swimsuit, but this scene ended up getting scrapped.[4]
  • She likes kids anime.[5]



  1. Anime Twitter, also special promo on their site
  2. My Dress-Up Darling Manga and Anime — Vol. 3 Chapter 22 (p. 19) and Episode 8.
  3. Tweet announcing Sajuna's VA.
  4. My Dress-Up Darling Manga — Volume 3 (p. 180), Afterword.
  5. My Dress-Up Darling Manga — Vol. 11 Chapter 86.


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List of Characters
Main Marin KitagawaWakana Gojo
Classmates & Others Nowa SugayaDaiaRuneKensei MoritaMurakamiShiki KashiwagiTakeru KogaSeiraKarenHanaoka (Teacher)Student Council President
Cosplay Sajuna InuiShinju InuiChitose AmanoAkira OgataMiyakoSuzukaYosuke
AIRS Salon ManabuHikaruRiho
Others NobaraUsamiRanaMarin's Editor
Family & Relatives
Gojo Family Wakana GojoKaoru GojoMiori GojoHarumi
Kitagawa Family Marin KitagawaMasumi Kitagawa
Inui Family Sajuna InuiShinju InuiMrs. Inui
Amano Family Chitose AmanoChitose's SisterChitose's Mother
Manga/Anime Industry
Professionals Tokio ShibaShougo MizoueAbe
CategoryFictional CharactersMinor Characters