Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo suru Wiki

Because There Was a Lot That I Saw in That Photo (写真を見たら色々あったからです, Shashin o Mitara Iroiro Atta kara Desu?) is the ninth episode of the My Dress-Up Darling anime adaptation.


Gojo is able to complete the Black Lobelia and Black Lily cosplays thanks to Marin's help. Marin and Sajuna try on their cosplays and they're both excited about how nicely they turned out, and Marin is even more excited about their upcoming group cosplay.


Wakana and Marin both arrive back at Wakana's residence after a shopping trip to get the materials for the next cosplay outfit Wakana was going to make. Heading upstairs to his room, Wakana mentions that the mannequin that he ordered will be arriving soon. In Wakana's room, Marin shows the bottom half of her newly purchased swimsuit, which shocks and flusters Wakana as he wasn't expecting it. Marin also mentions that she sent Wakana a couple of text messages with a photo of herself to Wakana and he failed to reply to any of them. To Wakana's inner confession, he admits that a lot had happened after he saw that picture of her. Marin goes into an explanation about the new swimsuit making Wakana become apprehensive toward her. Because of this, Marin teases the befuddled Wakana who asks to be left alone for a while. Later, Marin paints a smooth glass rock, prompting Marin to ask Wakana if he blows on his noodles to cool it off, and Wakana answer that he does. She then comments that it feels good to be useful making Wakana think that he was useful to her. Marin then undresses to try on the outfit and while Wakana is far too scared to see Marin do this, she claims she's fine with it, but realizes she wasn't wearing an appropriate bra at the time.

Eventually, Sajuna arrives and tries on the outfit that Wakana made for her and Mari while wearing her own outfit. Wakana asks Sajuna if any adjustments or changes need to be made. Sajuna comments that the skirt could be poofier and comparing her comment to his notes, Wakana agrees and offers to add wiring to it, but she says she'll use a tutu that she has. The cape that goes with the outfit is then worn and as Wakana and Sajuna talk about it, Marin listens in despite not knowing what they're talking about. Interrupting her train of thought, Wakana asks how Marin's outfit is and she says multiple times her outfit is "insane".

As Wakana prepares Marin's hair for her wig and make-up, Sajuna peruses Marin's makeup kit and gives her some tips, and offers some of hers to better match her cosplay character. Wakana asks that Marin use the cosplay tape that they have to make her eyes look sharper to match the character more. Applying the tape to Marin's face, Sajuna advises Wakana to use bobby pins to keep the wig and tape in place. Once the finishing touches have been made, Marin uses her phone as a mirror to see herself and in a flustered state claims that she's been "Black Lobelia" all along, but Sajuna denies that notion.

Despite her enthusiasm to take pictures of their cosplays, Marin is crestfallen when it rains on the day of their shooting. In contrast to Marin's disappointment, Sajuna is cool-headed about it noting it happens. During their heart-to-heart with each other, Marin asks to take a selfie with Sajuna and she agrees to it. After Marin posts it online she notes how many likes it gets and at that moment, Wakana arrives with Shinju who shocks both Marin and Sajuna shocked with her presence.

In a flashback, we see the events of the group scouting places to do their shooting at taking place after Sajuna faints from an anxiety attack. When nearly everyone goes their separate ways, Wakana asks Shinju if she too would like to cosplay and goes on with an explanation of why he thinks that. Hearing this makes Shinju frown and Wakana gets flustered and apologizes for saying something so blunt, but Shinju confirms it. She claims that there's one character that she hopes to cosplay as, however, due to the character's anatomy compared to her own, it's impossible for her to pull off. There's also the notion of disgust and rejection coming from her older sister that has her feeling self-conscious, but Wakana gives her some words of motivation from his personal experiences. Shinju then pleads with Wakana to help her and he happily agrees.

As it turns out, she wants to cosplay a character from the same series her sister and Marin are cosplaying from. The character that Shinju wants to cosplay is Soma-Oniichan, which irks Wakana, and she also mentions that due to being "fat" and unable to pay for the materials for the cosplay. This makes Wakana have an epiphany about how young Shinju is and the financial complications cosplaying as a hobby can be. Despite the disadvantages against Shinju's dream, Wakana promises her that he'll make it possible. At Wakana's residence, Wakana gives Shinju his school uniform which is practically identical to the clothing the character wears. Trying on the outfit, Shinju's bust makes the buttons pop off the chest which Wakana has to sew back on. To fix the problem with Shinju's chest, Wakana suggests that she use a sarahashi wrap to flatten her chest. Waiting outside of his room while Shinju gets dressed again, Wakana reflects on the hardships most cosplayers have to deal with when they have to make adjustments to their body to fit the character's image. The sarahashi wrap does make Shinju's stomach flatter, but not so much her chest. There's also the need to use something to broaden her shoulders. Using his phone to search for an alternative to flatten her chest, Wakana finds a product known as a "B-Holder" that fits their price range. Shinju purchases it and then Wakana tries to measure the circumference of her head, but unintentionally causes a scene involving her chest.

Some time passes by and Wakana purchases a wig for Shinju's costume and invites her over as he cuts it. At first, Wakana is too stressed out to cut it, which surprises Shinju as to her, he's an expert in whatever task he performs. Wakana denies being able to do such a feat, but notes that there's someone in his class that he feels the same sentiment toward. After his explanation, Wakana shows Shinju all of the makeup it purchased at a store and proceeds to prepare Shinju's cosplay.

Back to the present, Shinju surprises both Sajuna and Marin with her own cosplay. Overcome with emotion and completely self-conscious, Shinju is surprised by the warm reception made given to her by both Marin and her sister. They then take a commemorative photo of the three of them and then frantically prepare themselves to for the photoshoot they were originally there for.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

Nowa Sugaya Anime Infobox




[v · e]
List of Episodes
Season 1 123456789101112
[v · e]
Flower Princess Blaze Arc
Chapters 15161718192021222324252627282930
Volumes 234
Episodes 678910
Story Arcs