It's Probably Because This Is the Best Boob Bag Here. (この中で一番いい乳袋だからじゃん?, Kono Naka de Ichiban Ii Chibukuro da kara jan??) is the fifth episode of the My Dress-Up Darling anime adaptation.
At last, Wakana completes Shizuku's costume. Marin is so excited to become her beloved Shizuku that she suddenly decides to go to a cosplay event the next day with Wakana. Although it is her first time participating in an event, Marin is approached by so many people for a photoshoot and they all go smoothly. As Wakana watches over Marin, he is deeply moved by the event.
Wakana sees Marin dressed in her Shizuku-tan cosplay and compliments it, which makes Marin elated. When asked by Wakana if it fits well, Marin replies that it does, however, it's difficult to lift her arms, which prompts Wakana to take a mental note. Marin also compliments her boob bag and the length of her skirt which allows a decent view of her garters. In a euphoric state, Marin requests that Wakana take some pictures of her and he does with her cellphone. The first one he takes, Wakana comments how her pose is more like hers and suggests that she poses as Shizuku-tan would. Using his closet door as a make-shift white backdrop, Wakana takes some pictures of Marin posing as Shizuku-tan. Impressed by the photos taken, Marin creates an account to upload them all under the name "Marine". Marin then suggests that they go to the event the following day, now that she's motivated in going.
On the day of the event, Marin is dazzled by all of the people cosplaying there and recognizes a few celebrity cosplayers there. Despite Marin being super excited to be there, Wakana looks and feels neurotic noting how out of place he feels with all of the women there. Furthermore, he notes how they're drawing attention and believes it's due to his attire, but Marin downplays it as something natural for him. She also notes that it's certainly because of her "boob bag" which she believes is the best there. So to help mitigate Wakana's anxiety they move to the upper parts of the place where most of the photographers are at. It's there that Marin encounters her first photoshoot with a photographer. After the photographer is finished, Marin asks for a selfie with him and then another photographer asks to take her picture. Wakana then notices that a line had formed to take Marin's picture and looks around to see the different kinds of people cosplaying around there. Looking at Marin, Wakana notes how happy he is for Wakana. However, he then realizes that his days hanging with Marin are now over, now that he fulfilled his promise with her to create her cosplay costume for her. Reflecting on his time spent with Marin, Wakana notes how the time he shared with Marin was to him unreal.
Once finished with the line of photographers, Marin rushes over to a perplexed Wakana and while panting notes her relief that Wakana didn't abandon her. She then bluntly states that her clothes are ready to fall off. In her explanation, Marin states that the night prior, she examined the photos they took of her and noticed that her boobs didn't look big enough. To fix this, she wore double NuBras and now her breasts feel like they're going to burst. A panic-stricken Wakana notes that the clothing wasn't meant for such bras and Marin notes how hot she is in the cosplay. Realizing her heat exhaustion is due to the fabric he chose, Wakana has Marin to a different location.
Inside a nearby building, Marin wipes off all of the sweat on her and puts on a cool patch over her forehead. Looking up tips on how to cool down, Wakana finds out that requires Marin to get undressed from her outfit. Marin then has Wakana unzip her despite his hesitance and desire to have it done in a dressing room. She then has him wipe down her back with a towel and Wakana does so reluctantly. After using a towel to wipe clean underneath her skirt and making some adjustments to reinforce her clothing the two head back outside.
Back outside, Marin apologizes to the photographer who had taken photos of her and allows the photographer to take more by the shade. During this shoot, a strong gust of wind lifts up Marin's skirt revealing markings on her thighs. Although unfazed by this incident, Marin allows the photographer to take more photos to make up for it.
By dusk, Wakana and Marin ride the train back home, and Wakana thanks Marin for allowing him to join her at that event. Marin says Wakana is welcome for that and then asks what cosplay they'll do next, which surprises him. In Marin's confession, she has fifty-one favorite characters she wants to cosplay as. Noting how happy Wakana looked, Marin is then told by Wakana that he looks forward to continuing working with her and plans to buy a dress mannequin to make his work easier. Glad to hear Wakana's commitment, Marin insists that she purchase one for him. Finding one on the net, Marin notices that Wakana looks very drowsy and suggests that he take a nap. Marin then elaborates her experience at the event to Wakana and he compliments Marin as very beautiful dressed as Shizuku-tan. Recalling that Wakana only uses the word beautiful to "very special" things that are associated with him. This realization astounds Marin.
Characters in Order of Appearance[]
Season 1 | 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 |
Chapters | 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 |
Volumes | 1 • 2 |
Episodes | 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 |