Then Why Don't We? (じゃ、付き合っちゃう?, Ja, Tsukiatchau??) is the third episode of the My Dress-Up Darling anime adaptation.
Marin and Wakana gradually deepen their relationship by making cosplay costumes together. At school, Marin treats Wakana with the same attitude as ever, which makes him happy, but at the same time, he also worries that he is not worthy of the attention of others. Seeing Wakana like that, Marin takes him out shopping to find materials for her costume.
Wakana has a dream featuring Marin dressed in her finished cosplay outfit. It starts off innocent until, however, Marin begins to succumb to the character's ero personality. Awakening from the dream in a cold sweat, Wakana notices "something", he looks at his doll head and asks that she look the other way.
At school, Wakana contemplates how he'll be able to look at Marin again, and as it so happens she walks down the hallway with Nowa as passersby compliment her. Trying to avoid contact with her, Wakana is still spotted by Marin who approaches him and thanks him for the help he did for her on Saturday. Inside of Wakana's head, he becomes so flustered because of the dream he had of her and the conflicting emotions that go against the doll head that he adores so much. Marin then suggests that she curl her hair that day and they're then joined by Marin's other friends Nowa, Daia, and Rune. One of the friends believes that Marin is making Wakana feel uncomfortable, but Marin insists that she isn't going as far as to get close to Wakana creating a minor scene between the two. The girls then leave to go to a vending machine and Wakana thinks that Marin treats him the same way she does when they're alone. He then overhears a couple of girls talking about how Wakana could be her boyfriend, but the notion is dismissed.
Afterward, Marin tries to set up a meeting with Wakana, but he flatly declines. This leads to a trend where Wakana avoids any contact with Marin throughout the day, until school is over where Marin finally catches up to Wakana and asks him to go shopping with her. Again, Wakana declines and abruptly leaves. Squatting by a curve near the train station in hopes to avoid Marin, however, she appears behind him. She scolds him and demands to know why Wakana was acting so weird with her throughout the day. Wakana admits that it's awkward being around her when they're not friends, but Marin proudly claims they're already friends. He then mentions that he overheard a couple of people claiming they're in a relationship, to which, Marin teases maybe they should be, which flusters Wakana. After admitting she was joking, Marin grasps Wakana's arm and pulls him away to do some shopping.
Visiting a hobby shop named Yuzuwaya, the two loiter around the cosplay section as Wakana gives Marin the notes he took down related to the character she wishes to dress as. He goes on to detail what they'll need to create it and tips to make it all work. They first choose the fabric based on what best reflects the character's background standing. Although the fabric he chose is pricy and he has no money on hand, Wakana is astonished that Marin has money to pay for whatever. Despite his hesitance, Wakana accepts the money to use to create her outfit.
They continue shopping at the place and when they're done, they head to a place called Swallowtail that specializes in wigs. Taken aback by the selection of wigs there, Wakana is astounded by the colors and variations of what they have for sale there. The two then find the wig that Marin wishes to use, but Wakana suggests that they go with purple as Shizuku-tan's color character is purple. Furthermore, Wakana believes that the color would better compliment her appearance, and Marin is shocked by how in-depth Wakana's analysis was. Wakana suggests they go with a deep violet color wig with a long lengthed one that could be trimmed enough to suit Shizuku-tan's asymmetrical bob cut. Hence, Marin claims she'll have her hairstylist cut it for her and notes that she's glad she didn't go shopping alone or else she'd have purchased incorrect material for the costume. As Marin goes to purchase what they have, Wakana feels grateful for being useful.
When their business is done in the wig shop, they head to their final destination, the lingerie shop to purchase some garters and stockings. Forced to help Marin with this part of the shopping trip as well, Wakana is forced to wait outside of the changing booth. It's there that Marin teases Wakana making him feel super uneasy.
By the evening, the two enjoy some ramen and as they leave, a lady watches them in envy noting how young and in love they are while she has to work. They then walk past the lady and talk about how far Wakana is in Slippery Girls and the explanation irks the lady as well as the other people waiting in line. As they walk home, Wakana says he'll take the material home with him and asks if there are designated places to wear the costumes at. Marin answers that there are plenty of places mainly at events or in your own home and then shows Wakana some examples. One of the examples Juju-san who is a renowned one who never attends events, but is super popular. Continuing with her fascination with the cosplays of not only female, but male cosplayers, Marin asks if Wakana was ok as he spoke not a word. In his defense, Wakana admits that he was thinking of how his own fascination with Hina dolls and how it all began. This prompts Marin to comment how Wakana is such a "Face guy" because he likes the faces of the Hina dolls the most. Wakana apologizes, noting how hard it is to express his thoughts on how the people looked, but Marin claims that it's fine.
They continue walking until Marin spots a food truck that sells meat-wrapped onigiri and Marin purchases one for herself. As they continue walking, Marin enjoys her food and Wakana tries to repay her for the food that they enjoyed earlier, but Marin refuses as it was her treat. She also confesses how surprised she was when Wakana not only played the game Slippery Girls game, but created such elaborate notes for the cosplay character. Marin then offers a bit of her food, but he refuses so as she starts to finish it off, she asks if he thought she tends to pig out. Breaking into a cold sweat, Wakana denies the thought, but Marin knows better and goes on a tirade about her size to a flustered Wakana. By the Ikeburo Station, Wakana learns that Marin plans to attend an event two weeks from that day, which leaves Wakana completed astounded.
Characters in Order of Appearance[]
Season 1 | 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 |
Chapters | 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 |
Volumes | 1 • 2 |
Episodes | 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 |