Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo suru Wiki
Just because one person said something negative to me, doesn't mean everyone will say the same. I shouldn't assume the worst of people, I guess.

—Chitose Amano, Chapter 43

Chitose Amano ( (あま) () () (とせ) , Chitose Amano?) is a male cosplayer, under the name Amane Himeno ( (ひめ) () あまね, Himeno Amane?), who often cross-plays (cosplays as female characters).


Chitose Amano has short black hair and wears a white shirt under his hoodie. Marin describes him as a "pretty boy" due to his features and smaller stature. When he is crossplaying, he is able to hide his masculine features through makeup and his overall demeanor that he is easily mistaken as a girl.


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When he first meets Marin Kitagawa and Wakana Gojo, he is cosplaying as Subaru Hatsusegawa from Space Idols Cosmic Lovers.


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  • The name Chitose means "thousand" (千) (chi) and "year-end, age, occasion, opportunity" (歳) (tose), which literally means "thousand years, millennium" altogether.
  • Chitose's surname Amano means "heaven/heavenly, sky, imperial" (天) (ama) and "field, wilderness" (野) (no).

Cosplay Name[]

  • The name Amane (2) is written in hiragana (あまね), which has no special meaning. However, when written in kanji (亜真音, 亜麻音, 亜弥, 愛音, 愛真音, 愛峰, 愛麻音, 愛万音, 愛満音, 愛茉音, 雨音, 雨寧, 雨嶺, 海, 海韻, 海音, 海寧, 吾万希, 周, 周音, 周寧, 星音, 天, 天羽, 天音, 天使, 天真音, 天舞音, 天望, 天麻音, 天万音, 天茉音, 普, 遍, 弥 or 和), it could possibly mean:
    • 亜真音 - "second, Asia" (亜) (a), "real, genuine" (真) (ma) and "sound" (音) (ne).
    • 亜麻音 - "second, Asia" (亜) (a), "hemp, flax" (麻) (ma) and "sound" (音) (ne).
    • 亜弥 - "second, Asia" (亜) (ama) and "all the more, increasingly" (弥) (ne).
    • 愛音 - "love, affection" (愛) (ama) and "sound" (音) (ne).
    • 愛真音 - "love, affection" (愛) (a), "real, genuine" (真) (ma) and "sound" (音) (ne).
    • 愛峰 - "love, affection" (愛) (ama) and "summit, peak" (峰) (ne).
    • 愛麻音 - "love, affection" (愛) (a), "hemp, flax" (麻) (ma) and "sound" (音) (ne).
    • 愛万音 - "love, affection" (愛) (a), "ten thousand, all" (万) (ma) and "sound" (音) (ne).
    • 愛満音 - "love, affection" (愛) (a), "full/fullness, enough, satisfy" (満) (ma) and "sound" (音) (ne).
    • 愛茉音 - "love, affection" (愛) (a), "jasmine" (茉) (ma) and "sound" (音) (ne).
    • 雨音 - "rain" (雨) (ama) and "sound" (音) (ne).
    • 雨寧 - "rain" (雨) (ama) and "rather, preferably, better" (寧) (ne).
    • 雨嶺 - "rain" (雨) (ama) and "peak, summit" (嶺) (ne).
    • 海 - "sea, ocean".
    • 海韻 - "sea, ocean" (海) (ama) and "rhyme/rime, elegance, tone" (韻) (ne).
    • 海音 - "sea, ocean" (海) (ama) and "sound" (音) (ne).
    • 海寧 - "sea, ocean" (海) (ama) and "rather, preferably, better" (寧) (ne).
    • 吾万希 - "I, me" (吾) (a), "ten thousand, all" (万) (ma) and "hope" (希) (ne).
    • 周 - "circumference, circuit, lap".
    • 周音 - "circumference, circuit, lap" (周) (ama) and "sound" (音) (ne).
    • 周寧 - "circumference, circuit, lap" (周) (ama) and "rather, preferably, better" (寧) (ne).
    • 星音 - "star" (星) (ama) and "sound" (音) (ne).
    • 天 - "heaven/heavenly, sky, imperial".
    • 天羽 - "heaven/heavenly, sky, imperial" (天) (ama) and "feather" (羽) (ne).
    • 天音 - "heaven/heavenly, sky, imperial" (天) (ama) and "sound" (音) (ne).
    • 天使 - "heaven/heavenly, sky, imperial" (天) (ama) and "use, send on a mission, order, messenger, envoy, ambassador, cause" (使) (ne).
    • 天真音 - "heaven/heavenly, sky, imperial" (天) (a), "real, genuine" (真) (ma) and "sound" (音) (ne).
    • 天舞音 - "heaven/heavenly, sky, imperial" (天) (a), "dance" (舞) (ma) and "sound" (音) (ne).
    • 天望 - "heaven/heavenly, sky, imperial" (天) (ama) and "wish, desire, hope" (望) (ne).
    • 天麻音 - "heaven/heavenly, sky, imperial" (天) (a), "hemp, flax" (麻) (ma) and "sound" (音) (ne).
    • 天万音 - "heaven/heavenly, sky, imperial" (天) (a), "ten thousand, all" (万) (ma) and "sound" (音) (ne).
    • 天茉音 - "heaven/heavenly, sky, imperial" (天) (a), "jasmine" (茉) (ma) and "sound" (音) (ne).
    • 普 - "usually, widely, generally".
    • 遍 - "everywhere, times, widely, generally".
    • 弥 - "all the more, increasingly".
    • 和 - "harmony, peace".
  • Amane's surname Himeno means "princess, young lady of noble birth" (姫) (hime) and "field, wilderness" (野) (no).


  • Chitose likes social games.[3]


  1. My Dress-Up Darling Manga — Vol. 6 Chapter 43, His personal name mentioned by his sister (Chitose) and last name mentioned by others (Amano).
  2. My Dress-Up Darling Manga — Vol. 6 Chapter 41.
  3. My Dress-Up Darling Manga — Vol. 11 Chapter 86.


[v · e]
List of Characters
Main Marin KitagawaWakana Gojo
Classmates & Others Nowa SugayaDaiaRuneKensei MoritaMurakamiShiki KashiwagiTakeru KogaSeiraKarenHanaoka (Teacher)Student Council President
Cosplay Sajuna InuiShinju InuiChitose AmanoAkira OgataMiyakoSuzukaYosuke
AIRS Salon ManabuHikaruRiho
Others NobaraUsamiRanaMarin's Editor
Family & Relatives
Gojo Family Wakana GojoKaoru GojoMiori GojoHarumi
Kitagawa Family Marin KitagawaMasumi Kitagawa
Inui Family Sajuna InuiShinju InuiMrs. Inui
Amano Family Chitose AmanoChitose's SisterChitose's Mother
Manga/Anime Industry
Professionals Tokio ShibaShougo MizoueAbe
CategoryFictional CharactersMinor Characters